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What is Sustainable Development?

ACTIVITY 1: Allow ½ - 1 hour (maximum) to complete this activity.

Learning Outcomes
At the end of this activity, you will be able to:

  • Describe what is meant by 'sustainable development'.
  • Discuss sustainable development with others

Assessment Criteria
Appropriate definition of sustainable development:

  • Recognise relation between environmental, social and economic elements
  • Contact your Local Authority

Task 1:
Look at the various Definitions of sustainable development ep@w has collected.

You may want to see how the term 'sustainable development' fits other environmental business terms, visit Cleaner Production.com.


  • Choose one of the definitions given and explain why you like it the best. Or
  • Find another saying and explain why you consider it defines sustainable development. Or
  • Devise a new definition of your own.

Select your definition:

Definition/Another saying/New definition and explanation (if needed).

Task 2:
Send a letter requesting a free copy of the 'Local Agenda 21' document from your nearest local authority office or town hall.

Keep a copy of your request and response in your portfoilio.
You will need a Local Agenda 21 for ACTIVITY 4