ISO 15161...

HACCP - "Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point" is a systematic methodology for analyzing food processing for foreign or undesirable/hazardous inclusion of chemical, physical or biological agents (HACCP-9000 is trademark of NSF) .

ISO 15061 is a management scheme developed for the food industry (that fits with ISO 9001). It wasa developed out of the "CODEX Alimentarius Codes" known (CODEX) and it is the basis in hygiene and safety in production, transport and handling of food processing for international trade. ISO application guidelines are published for the food sector, ISO 15161.

ISO 15161 is a guideline to assist in the implementation of HACCP Principles within the requirements of ISO 9001:2000. namely ISO 15161, Guidelines on the Application of ISO 9001:2000 for the Food and Drink Industry, is for application within the food industry sector involving sourcing, processing, and packaging of food and beverages.

ISO 22000 specifies the requirements for an organisation's food safety management system providing a more focused, coherent and integrated system than is required by law. Purchase from ISO.

For more on standards, check International Organisation for Standards.

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