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Performance Standards

1: Social and Environmental Assessment and Management System

2: Labour and Working Conditions

3: Pollution Prevention and Abatement

4: Community Health, Safety and Security

5: Land Acquisition and Involuntary Resettlement

6: Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Natural Resource Management

7: Indigenous Peoples

8: Cultural Heritage


IFC's Policy and Performance Standards on Social & Environmental Sustainability




Corporate Register features over 10,000 reports from over 3,000 different companies across more than a 100 countries.

CSR of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Enterprise and Industry.

Are you a good Corporate Citizen? (according to UK Sustainable Development Commission)

How 'Sustainable Business' relates with CSR

OECD & Sustainable Development

UNED Forum for Sustainable Development

Global Reporting Initiative reporting about sustainability.

2 Work

ILO Conventions your country has ratified (ILOLEX)

3 Pollution

Environmental Treaties

Community Health

Hesperian Foundation


World Conservation Union IUCN

World Wildlife Fund